Friday, 31 May 2013


The more you dies to self, the more you're open to glory in the light of the Son. Deliberate defense to starve the works of the flesh (Gal 5:19-21) by the power of the Spirit, will undoubtedly give more room for the spirit to manifest the glory of Him who has called us to glory. As we annihilate flesh by the obedience to the Spirit, will launch us to glory; knowing that flesh can never partake in Divine glory. In the sight of God no flesh shall be justified. Only by the Spirit we can gain entrance to glory!

For all that is in the world ___the lust of the flesh, the lust of the eyes, and the pride of life ___ is not of the Father but is of the world 1 John 2:16. Hence, anyone that operates in the lust of the flesh, the lust of the eyes, and the pride of life can not know glory and honor, for is not of the Father, only the Father's (life in the Spirit) can know His glory or can be enter into His Divine glory. Recognize that flesh is the basis for all sin, began from the garden when Satan first tempted Eve (Genesis 3:6) which conferred on them the fall from glory. Alas, what the flesh producing sin can only offer is to bring its victims to a grass state that must withered away, if not retrieved by grace! 

Thursday, 30 May 2013


Charles Spurgeon said the other day about Sir Francis Drake, when it was feared that he would be wrecked in the Thames, said, "what ! have I been round the world, and am I now to be drowned in a ditch? Not I". So say I to you brethren: you have done business in stormy waters, and will you sink in a village pond? We shall not be worse treated than we have been. We are now in fine fighting trim, for we are hardened by former blows.

A great pugilist at Rome was so battered, his nose, eyes, and face were so disfigured, that he was always ready to fight, because he said, "I cannot look worse than I do." personally, I am in much the same plight. Men cannot say anything worse of me than they have said. I have been belied from head to foot, and misrepresented to the last degree. My good looks are gone, and none can damage me much now.

Some of you have had more to batter you than you are ever likely to endure again; you have had trial and tribulation and affliction as heavy as you can have them; and after having stood in the lists so long, surely you are not going to yield, and slink away like cowards? God forbid it ! God forbid it ! God grant, on the contrary, that the elder ones among us may have the pleasure, not only of winning battles for Christ, but of seeing others, who have been saved under our instrumentality, trained to fight for Jesus better than we ourselves have fought! Evidently, EVERY TRIAL AND TRIBULATION MAKE YOU A BETTER PERSON AS A CHRISTIAN (See James 1:2-3)


Good looks or being cute or fine do not make a person good. If you get hung up on looks, this can stop you from seeing the real person on inside. Remember many pretty ladies or handsome guys have no character.

We must come to relate most of all because we may find out things about people you never knew and we may cause someone to bring out treasures even they did not know they possessed simply by being a friend and talking to them.

In some cases, the Church is where people try to match YOU UP. Some people will start hollering marriage the first time they see you with someone. That should not make us conclude with them to raise our hope until infatuation paints our eyes black not to see when to bring out the best in that person in deed and character wise.