Kingdom Dynamics is the abounding dynamic of the word of God through inspirational writing and experiential evidence that verifies proven biblical principles and indispensable values as essential for the dynamic spread and the effective advancement of the gospel.

We live to embrace the source and the substance of the given revelation of the Scriptures.  We believe the ministry of the Holy Spirit is to bring us together in oneness with the Divinity, based on the shared belief in Christ as Savour and Lord, His atoning death, His victorious resurrection, and His reigning power. As a body of Christ, the Spirit overcomes our proclivity to self-centeredness, independence, and self-serving. He draws us together with other believers and creates the miracle of oneness Jesus prayed for in John 17.

This forum also relates that, unity in Christ also means setting aside secondary issues like denominational differences or cultural patterns. Agreement on basics is important but, the most important of all is our mutual sharing in the manifold grace of God which is premised on love.
                                                          OUR VISION

To create a lively platform for the body of Christ to internalize the manifold grace of God and His multidimensional revelations for a profound Christian-living -for we believe the cutting-edge Christian-living will be made great and steadfast by the fountainhead of Divine knowledge which is centred in the Godhead.

                                                         OUR MISSION

To educate believers, in whom the Lord Jesus shall be reflected as in a thousand mirrors and channel a total Christian-living through inspirational articles.

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