The love of men continues to wax cold and in fulfillment of negative prophecies. By despising grace, how can we further our course in the kingdom of God? We are called to hold the grace God in high esteem always. Grace might not necessarily be a teaching to some, because grace is a person, i.e. Christ. So how are we embracing and cherishing this grace as embodied in Christ? Where sin has abounded, grace (Christ) abounded much more, so that as sin reigned through death, even so grace would reign through righteousness to eternal life (Romans 5:20-21).
The dynamic of God's grace speaks these truths:
1) That God has been reconciled to the world through Christ's sacrifice (Romans 5:10)
2) The unmerited favor and, unconditional acceptance that we receive from God (Eph.1:6)
3) An empowerment for a task (1 Cor.15:10).
Taken together, these truths bring believers to a place of genuine freedom, where we are free to obey God, not to only obtain His favor which He has freely given us. Grace underscores the generosity of God's love, highlighting the truth that God does not coerce us to change by threatening us, but instead, He conquers us by lavishing His love upon us. His grace frees us from various self-generated endeavors and releases us to allow His Holy Spirit within to will and to do for His good pleasure (Phil.2:13).
2) The unmerited favor and, unconditional acceptance that we receive from God (Eph.1:6)
3) An empowerment for a task (1 Cor.15:10).
Taken together, these truths bring believers to a place of genuine freedom, where we are free to obey God, not to only obtain His favor which He has freely given us. Grace underscores the generosity of God's love, highlighting the truth that God does not coerce us to change by threatening us, but instead, He conquers us by lavishing His love upon us. His grace frees us from various self-generated endeavors and releases us to allow His Holy Spirit within to will and to do for His good pleasure (Phil.2:13).
What manner of man we ought to be as we have seen how the Godhead has come to man? All tribes and tongues are going to be judged by the measure of grace that came their way and how they kept faith with it. Those whose god is their belly has taken a dispensation of grace to present modern teachings. Romans 6:1-2 says: "What shall we say then? Shall we continue in sin that grace may abound? Certainly not! How shall we who died to sin live any longer in it?". Let make it clear here, "despising Grace is despising Christ" who is the embodiment of grace! In view of this, Act 17:30-31 says: "Truly, God once winked at times of ignorance, but now commands all men everywhere to repent, because He has appointed a day on which He will judge the world in righteousness by the Man (GRACE) whom He has ordained and He has given assurance of this to all by raising Him from the dead.
So we trust God for the furtherance of grace activated system as we look into Jesus, what happened to the blind man, and the grave error of the religious leaders (Pharisees). Looking at the grace activated recipient (the blind man) as he presented with a irrefutable grace to the refuters (Pharisees) "see John 9". Now to start with, the clay which He made was a figure of His humanity displayed to man. But in order to see, this man had to be washed by the water signifying the Word and thereby revealing Christ to him as the sent One from God. He then declares Him as prophet in accordance to the light of grace he has experienced and later knows Him as the Son of God and when (the Pharisees) were unable to deny the man's testimony, the religious authorities took the cowardly way out by excommunicating him.
Friends, rejection would always follow after a believer that has encountered grace and known by the Son of God as it were with this man (see vs.37). And because of his witness, his acquaintances were amazed. Even his parents could not identify to bear the confession of Jesus as the Christ and to share in His rejection before the Pharisees when they were called upon to bear witness to the divine healing of their son who was blind. They feared the disgrace (a type of the reproaches of Christ) just like many do today. Undoubtedly, Grace cannot pass unnoticed.
The question everyone must answer is that has the grace given unto us produced a visible change in our lives? Is our conversation compatible with the gospel (Phil. 1:27)? Do we trade the grace in us for the passing pleasure of this age (Heb 11:25)? Do we proclaim His names though not real to us(2 Tim. 2:19)? The investment of grace in us must be able to show forth Christ. The emphasis of Christ coming is not only to take us home but to indwell us, save us, find His faith in us, and prepare us for the receiving of the Father.
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