Monday, 26 August 2013


How beautiful somethings would have been if we have made Spirit-led decision. Some errors en route our path perpetually all because we have dashed off the God factor! Of a truth friends, talking now from my experience I have assumed for God severally on some things pertaining to life issues, since is just my feeble assumption; I have failed in many things and learnt my lessons in the hard way. Thanks to God, God's mercy was still at work in me to bring only God's originality, so that flesh will not glorify itself.

See, many careers, businesses, marriages, relationships and even ministries have suffered the same fate since the individual or group have decided to go all the way to get things done without the Holy Spirit leading him/her, know today that anything whatsoever that the Holy Spirit is not the sole factor will altogether lead to spiritual bankruptcy and another lost is that such achievement will not have eternal value. Is a matter when the so called believer will say God said when God has not spoken at all. I have seen brothers who proposed to many sisters at a stretch; telling everyone of them God said when is only flesh that is at work in him. If such brother continues in this syndrome pretty soon even ordinary nature will sing for him "a shame lyrics" that he must dance to in the face of all the sisters he has made advances to both in words and disposition.

Some marriages are invariably in war without end, all because they have sown in wrong decision and now reaping the harvest of many troubles. Isaiah 28:16end NKJV says: Whoever believes will not act hastily. We must be led in all things not only on who to marriage but in all things because wrong decision today may be a snare to one's tomorrow. Jesus said without Him we can do nothing, so keep your adaptation for your work up to the highest pitch. Be not in so much hurry to do that you forget to be, ___so anxious to give out that you never take in. This is the haste which makes no speed.

The best of man's intellect, many a time has failed him/her to envision correctly beyond the walls of life. Man's head has its limit when things are to be discerned spiritually. 

To make decision through head knowledge in things pertaining to spiritual is like asking a day old infant baby to solve differential calculus; that sounded unthinkable you said! hence, it is evident here that, it is unthinkable also for the natural man to envision the spiritual in the light of making godly decision. More so, decision making must carry the integrity of the Divine before it can be viewed as having eternal value; and this kind of decision is capable of connecting eternal goals in life and ministry.

I was told of a man, who said, he has not missed for once God's will for his life and ministry for sixty years, and of such man I'm elated to emulate. Then I perceived the equivalence of such a word from that man not to have missed God's will for his life and ministry for sixty years; is making right decision by the Spirit. Remember every decision made by the early apostles are all apostolic in the sense that it caused a profound move and shift in the realm of the Spirit which gave birth to an evergreen expansion of the church at large.

If Peter, James and others had used intellectual instrumentation only, all they would have grasped in terms of result would have been an opportunity to try. The apostles made decision by the Spirit that enhanced the progress of the church age beyond the confine of the Jews, thereby reaching out to the Gentiles who were not of the branch at first. Today, if you are tired of where wrong decisions has landed you, why not switch to the Spirit inclined decision to navigate in eternal value for your life and ministry. This is how I see you permanently avoid making wrong decision. Read and share God bless you.

Facebook: Adebumiti Bamidele
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  1. Get inspiration. Sin and inspiration don't mix.

    1. We should often ask ourselves this question: Would I wish the Lord to find me doing what I am now doing now, to find me saying or thinking what I am now saying or thinking? Watch, be alert and awake. Commit yourself to grow in your relationship with the Lord, which includes prayer, worship, and studying to understand the Bible. This is the lifestyle of the children of light, who have salvation in Jesus.
