Thursday, 14 November 2013


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The standing phenomenon of the worth of a woman and her intricacy starting from her natural biological make up, her disposition towards life in terms of relationships, to her spouse, children, family, acquaintance, the society at large. Most importantly the Lord's designation for her in His body; start from her home whether single or married is so imperative. More so, if she is not aware and equipped for what is obtainable in these areas of life, she may navigate the whole earth without understanding her worth towards all things as a woman. It is evident that her sense of worth through her close work with God will bring about her purpose driven life in her God-given personal productivity.

The Wife: A crown to Her Husband, Proverbs 12:4.

Crowns relate to wisdom (see Proverbs 4:8, 9). A crown encircles the head. It originates from a word that means "to encircle (for attack or protection)." Wisdom, in effect, surrounds and protects the mind and brings honour to the "head" of one who has it. This verse declares that the godly woman also is a crown to her husband. When she is received as God's gift, her husband will benefit from God's wisdom through her, much as Abraham did from Sarah (see Gen.21:12).

The husband of such a woman will be "Known in the gates, when he sits among the elders of the land" (Prov. 31:23). The woman who cultivate her relationship with God first, then relates appropriately to her husband, will powerfully influence him in every area of his life (Esther 4:13-16/Prov. 31:13, 21, 25, 27).

A virtuous woman not only cares physically for her home, but she is also a “watchman" over the emotional and spiritual condition of her family (Prov 31:27). She works willingly with hands, two kinds of which are mentioned in Prov. 31: kaph, symbolizing upturned hands extended in prayer (v.13) and yad, ministering or serving hands (v.20). Confident in the God to whom she prays, the effective woman knows she has eternal significance. (Eph. 5:21-32).

A Woman's Courage Under Pressure
Esther 4:13-16.

Through the instruction of Mordecai (analogous of the Holy Spirit), Esther realized that her life had far greater purpose than merely maintaining her own immediate comfort and status quo. Mordecai's words pierced her heart; and at great risk, she committed herself to follow his advice. Esther's heart was turned from her own self-interests to the plan and purposes of God. Ultimately, not only did the king receive her, but he offered her co-rulership with himself (Esther 5:3) and later awarded her his signet ring, symbolizing a new level of authority in her life. Her courage resulted in a great deliverance of God's people. Truly effective woman are those who are turned from their own short-sighted agenda to God's eternal purposes.

The Spirit-Filled, Multitalented Woman (Deborah).

Deborah rose in ancient Israel as a female judge, whose multiple leadership functions demonstrate the possibilities for any woman who will allow God's Spirit to fill and form her life. She became a celebrate leader of political influence and authority, while maintaining the grace and dignity of womanhood. Deborah also acquired a reputation as a wise settler of disputes and as an arbitrator of justice, counselor, wife, prophetess, and deliverer in time of war. Her successful mobilization of the Israelite militia demonstrated her leadership, the people witness God's providential assistance in the form a massive storm and the defeat of Sisera's superiorly armed force. Deborah depicts the finest possibilities of gifted, God-fearing woman who allows the Spirit of God to develop her full capacities to impact the world around her.

Barack, a great man of faith (Hebrews 11:32) is a classic study in the wisdom of a man's acknowledgment of the potential power of a woman's contribution to a goal. Because of Deborah's godly and skillful leadership traits, Barack (as commander of Israel's armies) would not go into this battle without her, even when told that he would not get full honour for the victory (Judges 4:9). His priority was the welfare of the nation, and he knew that their combine effort would ensure success as each brought their distinctive, God-given strengths to the challenge. Deborah’s quick response is evidence that she also knew her presence was essential to the victory and that her supporting leadership was significant. And that is the picture of woman's worth of synergy to bring to bear victory certainty not only with her husband but more also with the expanse of God's eternal agenda.

Marriage Involves a Relationship of Mutual Submission Eph. 5:21-33.

All believers are called to live in mutual submission to one another (V. 21). This applies in a unique way to the husband/wife relationship (V.22). The wife is called to submit to her husband "as to the Lord," to respect, regard and deeply care for him (Greek phobeo, "to reverence" or to be in awe of," V.24; 1Peter 3:5, 6). These points toward her serving her husband, honouring him, and edifying him (building him up). Her attitude, according to this terminology—“as to the Lord”—is to be one of highest esteem and regard.  The husband is called to lay down his life for his wife in terms of sacrifices. He is to sacrifice his own interests in order to enhance hers. His role is to nourish, that is; to support her growth toward her own maturity and to cherish; (to warmly care for and attend to). In this way, each marriage partner contributes to bringing the other their full potential. A marriage lived out in this mutually loving environment mirrors the interactive love that Christ has for His church and His church is called to have toward Him.

A godly woman, abiding in the Holy Spirit (who Himself lives in the hidden place of our hearts) can grow to learn a trust in the insight and understanding the Lord gives her. With a gentle and quiet spirit, God wants her to bring insight and value to her husband and their marriage. She is to be "adorned" with a spirit that is not self-exalting or casting herself as her husband's teacher; yet they are still ordained to be and become full partner as the husband receives the day-to-day relational "help" God has given to  him in his wife ( Gen 2:18).

It is worthy of note that a virtuous woman with great worth of what the good Lord has called her to be will never see it as a need to engaged herself in feminist movement since she is purely aware of what the Lord has designated her for in all sphere of life, her rest and peace is the Lord's words and His specifications for her life as she brings forth God's benevolent virtues inherent in her to be surfaced. A woman who knows her worth also knows she must not draw back her sword in the battle for the truth, for a dignity and integrity tells her that the truth preserves, and whoever the truth conquered will has also conquered by the truth. Hence she pursues her call by the Spirit which is attested by her godliness and virtues. Listening as much as speaking the truth is her first priority thought and she will never change her word in favour of sin.

Finally, she is motivated by the love of the God to love the church, starting from her home inside-out. She is sold-out in giving with character and attitude, esteeming others better than herself so that she can learn wisdom to be articulate in a multifaceted relationships, because Christ has become her views to life. For her worth she became so humble, and respected in return -for her worth is enormously great, creation is incomplete without her and she is the truest hope of multiplication effect and productivity. A man who knows her full revelation holds her in highest esteem; for she is a gift from the Lord, distinctively distinct, graciously beloved by the God of love who made her a complete love for man to adore her, for he knew is only by favour he has received her from the Lord, so he sees her as first hand gift of the Lord to be loved and cherished with great sense of worth.  Thanks for reading 'THE NON-NEGOTIABLE VALUES OF WOMEN YOU MUST KNOW. Share and print God bless you.

Facebook: Adebumiti Bamidele
Twitter: @BamideleGospel
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  1. I'm blessed by this post Adebumiti..Really enjoyed reading it and i agree with the way a wife/husband should present themselves in the marriage as oneness in Christ.. Amen

    1. One wonders whether there is anything more beautiful this side of Heaven, than the sight of a Christian husband and wife, different from each other in so many ways yet blending together to form one harmonious unit. One finds in such couples the true unity in diversity that God intended to be manifested through marriage. What is the secret of such oneness?

      Obeying the teaching of God's Word in relation to married life can make all the difference between a successful and an unhappy marriage. No Christian should even begin to look for his life-partner until his mind has been reoriented to view marriage as God views it. Thanks for the share.

  2. Replies
    1. Good to have you here woman of God. Thanks for your share.
