Thursday, 24 April 2014


Definition: the above heading (equipping believers) implies making fit, preparing, training, perfecting, making fully qualified for service. In classical language, the word is used for setting a bone surgery. In the now, the Great physician is making all the necessary adjustments so the church will not be “out of joint.”  Looking at Eph 4:11, 12, this text teaches that all leadership gifts are given by Christ as the Lord of the church to “equip” (that is, to mend, prepare, and enable for function) the whole body of the congregation.

Supernatural ministry is not flamboyant displays of so called stars, who gather followers like satellites. Rather, true supernatural ministry at work in church begets vital, spiritual and functioning people throughout the whole church family. The body is to be built up by the mutual efforts of all the members supplying their contribution to the whole. The call to empower people requires mentoring, training, imparting, and discipleship—all aimed at preparing the body for stability and increase. Read also Vs 13-16 of Ephesians. 

Beloved, always remember that there are revelations dimension encapsulated in this five-fold ministry, but the same Spirit, for the Lord has inaugurated it in the church for the equipping of the saint i.e. the community of faith .  However, if any revelation is not Bible-based, we must earnestly discern and reject it as false teaching and heretical wisdom of men; because what is not of God is altogether a seed of corruption and must be rejected totally.

The anointing from the Holy One which will always lead us to all truth, will also shows us the strata of the five-fold ministry and its pivotal importance for the body. I desire earnestly that we all manifest the greatest gift which is love (See 1 Corinthians 13). Over time, in my walk of faith, I have discovered that love is the defining characteristic of God’s presence among His people, even on ministerial sharing. Therefore, it should be the defining characteristic of the God’s people themselves and the premise for spiritual work in the Body. It is love that authenticates spiritual gift.


  1. Yes brother! Ministry gift without
    love is nothing. GOD is love (1John 4:8), and whosoever will serve the GOD of love with any of these five -fold ministry gifts must posses God (LOVE). Love spurs us to service, only a selfish or a non -agape kind of love will keep it's ministry gift to himself for self -edification, and not to build the body of Christ. There are divisions amongst ministers in some churches today because of envy. Rivalry and competition are reigning in some churches because there's no Love. Everything is now done for self glorification and not to the glory of GOD. Of a truth, it is love that authenticates spiritual gift.
    More insight Man of God!

    1. Love must be in it highest peak among us as believers, we must respond to God in love for He is the embodiment of love towards us, love our enemies without false humility, and to this end demonstrate what I called 360 degree of love without barriers or limitations and by this we will daily exhibit the greatest gift 1Corinthians 13:13. Thanks for the share.

  2. This is very true. You can do all kinds of somethings thinking you are helping others but if you do not do it with the love of GOD, it is no good.

    1. Yes sir, love must be the undertone of our actions in all things.
