Tuesday, 22 April 2014


In our growing up in this vocation as Christians, being made wise to know by the Scriptures that we are joint heir with God through Christ, the Son of His love Col. 1:13, we are led to understand His word that says, "till we all come to the unity of faith" Eph 4:13a. 

For we know that it is our faith in the Son that led us from our pre-conversion state to the regeneration state which sanctified us to be joint heir with the Father by the Son through the Holy Ghost.

It is evidence that, there was a great unity in the Trinity in bringing us to their redemptive work of grace. When God's word says: till we all come to the unity of Faith, we can then relate until we all are baptised into the unity of faith, until we all learn of the unity of the Godhead in approaching our differences in the body of Christ, then it will be pretty clear that no lively stone (you and me) will stay aloof in the building up into the "Chief Man” -Christ.

Now in any given time, if you see any church experiencing Spirit outflow at her full strength, such is not far from the five-fold ministry (see 1Corinthians 12). Therefore, as you and I have received help from the Spirit to know the one entrusted to us, which is the gift of the Spirit or ministry gift, it is imperative to know that the body of Christ is made complete with the mutual ministry gift of others. God has appointed the entire ministry gift for the equipping of the Church.

We should be prompted to ask ourselves, that we need to discern more and more in other to respect other believers' grace in equipping the body of Christ with their ministry gift at large, Lest one who is an evangelist unnecessary question the prophetic teaching coming from other minister of the gospel or lest you who is a teacher should pour contempt on a believer who is entrusted with apostolic grace.

So then faith comes by hearing, and hearing by the word of God Romans 10:17. Undoubtedly, the different ministerial gifts are to birth the continuance of this faith work in the body. God instituted these different ministerial gifts as Godward gifts and not manward gift i.e. is not earthly but divine. Hence, if souls are to be saved and saved souls are to be fed, more solid matters must take a prominent place through all the gifts the Lord has instituted in our community of faith.

Unity in Christ also means setting aside secondary issues like denominational differences or cultural patterns. Agreement on basics is important but, the most important of all is our mutual sharing in the manifold grace of God which is premised on love. Finally, our attitudes should be a pure open heart to receive the God-given ministrations from others whom the Lord has established with us in the faith and to this end, we must all with one heart, one spirit, and one love lead the way to the unity of faith by this great will be the mystery of godliness among us.


  1. Osanyinlusi Kemi Ruth22 April 2014 at 22:22

    We ought to also know that despite our physical difference, we have one Father, one Spirit in him, and one Lord over all. We are one body in christ. Thanks for this piece man of God.

    1. Unity is made perfect in love: unity is an emblem of maturity in the spiritual. Love for unity is the evidence that one is partaking of the unity of the Godhead. Welcome woman of God and big thanks for your insight.

  2. Yes, we must carry out the Father’s will in the similitude of the first begotten—Christ the Son of His love. Undoubtedly, is by unity of faith we can embrace the similitude of the first begotten. Thanks for the share.

  3. Adebumiti Bamidele, this was very good. This is what I have been trying to tell some people but they will not open their eyes. If we are truly saved, we are all parts of the body of CHRIST. We need to put our personal beliefs aside and do the job GOD gives us us to do. You are on the right road to HEAVEN.

    1. Thanks sir. This is a great insight. Hence, we must intentionally pursue unity within the body of Christ. Thanks Man of God.

  4. "It was He who gave gifts; He appointed some to be apostles, others to be prophets, others to beevangelists, others to be pastors and teachers. He did this to prepare all God's people for the work of Christian service, IN ORDER TO BUILD UP THE BODY OF CHRIST" {Eph. 4:11-12}. We should know, however, that one is not greater than the other. Our service to God should be done in humility and love. More grace sir!

    1. Wow, this is a great blessing brother. We must not give place to divisiveness or competition. We must honor others, seek to be like-minded, and recognize Jesus as the common ground for unity. Shalom! Thanks for the share brother.

  5. We must honor each other

    1. Yes, to honor each other, is also honoring Christ who is the head of the church. Thanks for the share.
