Wednesday 31 July 2013


Image Ref: WiseGeek
                                                Nothing can be so alarming and yet hides or masks itself like "religion spirit" and it is very painful to see that the person in it always thinking the next brother or sister is the one struggling with "religion spirit". In one hand is difficult for the one who engages in it (religion spirit) to accept that he is; so that help can come and on the other hand he is conscious of the mist in another man's eye neglecting the load of logs on his own eyes. 

If his own dogmatic methods of choice are not used in ministrations, he quickly concluded God cannot be speaking through that channel; never ready to move with what God is doing per time.
He will prove his significance in prayers, fasting and how he reads the Bible more than anyone; this is not to encourage others but to show his ego. Talks about the old achievement a lot but not easily seen in new deliveries or the phase God is opening to at a time. Will prefer doing activities where many could see him or sing aloud to buy people's attention when some activities or menial works is being carried out in Church. Will come late to Church and still seek the front seat gratifying his manifesto for his new wears. Will be angry the on inside if he is not called by tittle (you will get him offended by calling him/her brother or sister only).
He struggles to preach very well if you don't introduce him well to the congregation. Will be sighing at intervals when message is going on like, Hum! Hum! Hum! That could have being good if he actually understand or have internalized the message going on the congregation. Alas, is just for the fun of it and to cause distraction. (NOTE: I'm not saying sighing gesture like "Humm" to message is bad when it’s needed its comes even unexpected).
Will not see anyone better than him God can use; so anyone he has rated low to himself when such brother or sister is being use by God, insecurity will set him off balance. If anyone he has attested to be lower to him in spiritual things come to advise him that will stir up wrath inside of him, saying in his mind how could this yesterday convert advise me! Will judge any manifestation in the meeting (Church) that he is not use to with time.  May God open our eyes to see ours even beyond the listed ones! But if anyone thinks this could be for one brother or sister, I bet such could be the chief man of religion spirit.

You and I must come to examine ourselves by the Holy Spirit to help us live a life of the Spirit beyond these hidden reefs/spots in our love feast. Let us be sober in our self-assessment. We should employ only Jesus' life and teachings as our standard for judgment, not the performance of others (read Gal. 6:3-5). Finally, without love the most magnificent manifestation of gifts and the most heroic self-sacrifice mean nothing. Philippians 4:5 says: Let your gentleness be known to all men. The Lord is at hand. Thank for reading 'THE LIMITATION TO THE FLOW OF LOVE AMONG BELIEVERS'. Please feel free to share thanks.

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