Thursday, 16 January 2014


Dictionary describes monogamy as either the practice of being married to one person at a time, as opposed to polygamy or bigamy. In marriage, monogamy exists as long as a couple has intimate relationship with, and they remain faithful to, each other. 

But in practice, monogamy has come to mean much more than just marrying one person at a time, or not having sex with anyone else. The idea of monogamy (which is also sometimes referred to as compulsory monogamy) is something that describes a relationship that can only take place between two people and is also a sphere where individual’s spiritual life, emotional, sexual, and social needs are met by the person they partner with. Thus, people who claim to be in a monogamous relationship but flirt around or maintain outside relationships (even non-sexual ones) may be thought to be behaving in a way that is a threat to monogamy.

As for monotony, it is the quality of wearisome constancy, routine, and lack of variety and interest (in marriage).

Getting to know somebody inside-out in marriage, since it is a lifetime relationship, is nothing but great challenge. It becomes more than challenge when monotony sets in. The moment monotony exists in a monogamous relationship; an untold setback will automatically sets in. A relationship characterized with someone who is both a best friend and a lover, someone you always see face to face almost every passing hour, suddenly becomes lifeless.  What looks so great at the beginning starts to dissipate in no time. You sigh audibly and mutter, ‘How I wish this is not like the same old phenomenon every day.

To avoid monotony, we must consciously engage our body, soul and spirit in nurturing our relationships to attain and maintain wholesome monogamy. We spice up our relationship as we give our all and consciously see to the good of our relationship.

Facebook: Adebumiti Bamidele
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  1. I totally understand! Marriage is tough, but also can be amazing. To know that you always have your best friend by your side is an honor. How fortunate we are the have God's amazing creation next to us every night and day. To live bringing them honor through our love and forgiveness; forgiveness from the challenges in disagreements and frustrations. Love conquers all and makes the monotonous sexual encounters more refreshing.

    1. Perhaps couples should be less hard on each other, stop sweating the small stuff and start to put in more effort by the instrumentality of love. No one ever complained about getting roses, and no man ever complained about his partner getting a new set of intimate apparel long as he's the only one who gets to see her in it. Let your marriage come alive; be so articulate. Make it a reference point for others to experience love life. Thanks for your insightful comment.

  2. Replies
    1. When we give it more thought friend, we will soon know that this love in Christianity gave it new meaning. It is privilege to have you here MOG thanks for the share.

  3. The only way to ensuring that marriage is devoid of monotony is to grow in the love of God. Romans 5:5 tells us that the Holy Spirit is responsible for shedding Agape love into our hearts. I've been married for 13 years now and I've known my babe as I call her for 21 years. The more I press deeper into a relationship with God, the more I see clearly to love her more.

    I remember our marriage counselling sessions, we were privileged to have been counselled by a lovely old vicar's wife who had been married for 50 years.

    She drew this triangle with God at the top the husband at the bottom left and the wife at the bottom right. In the middle of the triangle was the word LOVE and arrows pointing upwards on one side from the husband to God and the other side from the wife to God.

    And the meaning is this, the more the two of you get closer to God and begin to climb up the sides of the triangle towards God, the smaller the distance between the husband and wife till they both meet in one central point in true love in God!

    1. Sir, sincerely you'av blessed me and I believed that for others too. this is so explicit and cutting-edge too.

      We know that hope of great future blessings will not turn out to be false, because the Holy Spirit gives lavish evidence in our hearts of God's love for us. Romans 5:5.
