Monday, 20 January 2014


In 1Corinthians 7: 25-40, Paul does not exalt the single state above the marriage state but, he does has a personal preference and argues all groups of the unmarried to consider the wisdom and spiritual benefits of single life. Although being single or when unmarried embodies no superior moral virtue to the married couples or do the married couples superior either. Genesis 2:18 tells us that it is good to marry and 1 Corinthians 7:1 tells us that it is good for a man not to touch a woman. Neither state is inherently better or holier than the other. The paramount thing is for a believer's spiritual life to remain constant and intact in an unredeemed, changing world.

Having settled that, there are significant realms about the singles that shows wholesomeness void of distraction. See verse 34 of 1 Corinthians 7 speaks of the unmarried woman who cares about the thing of the Lord, that she may be holy both in body and spirit (Note: not that the married are not holy). But she who is married cares about the things of the world and, how she may please her husband so as to keep the marriage in proper condition. Marriage is still a temporal arrangement and not a part of one eternal existence. Marriage itself is an earthly institution (Matt. 22:30).

This obvious fact that singleness enjoys a resounding affirmation in the Scripture is to motivate the singles not just to feel compelled or desperate to get married, just to assume normalcy. You are not to be pitied that you are a single, for you are such a unique individual. As an adult single or even better for the widowed, the Scripture has commanded the assembly of the Lord's body to honour true widows 1 Timothy 5:3. Interestingly, the Scripture also urges the ministry that is now appointed to widows who are without families, to help build them to praying, loving, and God-fearing women. To this end, the local churches must embrace the responsibility. They must see to this again that the true widows in their respective assemblies must have their daily needs being taken care of. See 1 Timothy 5: 5.


  1. Accurate thoughts, bro. They are all true words.

    1. May the Lord cause our hearts to set our priority right for His purpose Amen. Thanks brother for the share.
